Privacy Policy
We at High Liner Foods respect the privacy of individuals who visit our website. However, any communications you send to this website or otherwise to us by electronic mail are on a non-confidential, non-proprietary basis, and we are under no obligation to refrain from reproducing, publishing or otherwise using them in any way or for any purpose. We are free to use content of any such communication, including any ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how disclosed therein, for any purpose, including developing, manufacturing, and/or marketing goods and services. While we welcome your comments and feedback on this site, we emphasize that we are not seeking any unsolicited ideas, suggestions or materials related to our products.
We will not collect your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address unless you provide it to us voluntarily, either by completing a feedback form or posting an e-mail message to High Liner Foods. However, we may attempt to collect such information if we believe your use of this site violates any laws. If you do not want this information collected, please do not submit it. If you have already submitted this information and want us to remove it from our records, please contact us at the e-mail address listed at the bottom of this Legal Notice. We will use reasonable efforts to delete your information from our existing files.
We may collect information about you that does not allow us to identify you. Examples of this type of information include the type of Internet browser that you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, and the domain name of the website from which you linked to our site.
The sender of communications to this site or otherwise to High Liner Foods shall be responsible for the content and information contained therein, including its legality, truthfulness, and accuracy. Information collected by High Liner Foods or submitted with a feedback form or during a visitor's use of our site is used by High Liner Foods solely for internal purposes including, without limitation, marketing promotional, and feedback purposes. We do not sell or distribute e-mail addresses or other information which may identify you to other parties
We provide this site as a service to its visitors. We reserve the right to delete, modify or supplement the content of this site at any time for any reason without notification to anyone.