Lobster Mac & Cheese Fritter

Chef Philman George Ideas & Inspiration

Ahh Yeah...Fall is officially here!! For a warm blooded brother like myself I really should be sad, but I always find ways to keep smiling on.  You see the cooler weather gives me the excuse to cook and eat more comfort food.  Oh how I love my comfort food!  So if you notice me getting a bit fatter, pay me a compliment. Building my layer of winter insulation takes dedication and effort!! 

Nothing says comfort like home made mac & cheese.  Add in a bit of lobster and deep fry it and you’re in comfort heaven.  Preparation is a breeze!  Simply spread your lobster mac & cheese onto a baking sheet to cool.  Once cooled you will be able to cut/roll it into your desired shapes. 

I cut my Lobster mac n' cheese into squares, but they could also be cut into rounds, or rolled into balls. After that they just need to be breaded. I used panko bread crumbs because I love the crunchy texture it provides. Simply roll each piece in flour, egg wash and panko. Herbs can be added to the panko for added flavour and colour contrast.

These are ready for the deep fryer!  They can also be individually wrapped and frozen for later use.   Deep fry until golden brown and depending on the thickness they may need to be placed in the oven to warm the center. 

These fitters can be utilized in 3 different ways.  Use them as a fun sharable appetizer and add them to your "side dish" menu so customers can pair them with various entree dishes.  If you were to roll them up into bite size shapes and pop a tooth pick in them, they make great passed hors d’oeuvres for a private function. 

Click here for recipe. 

Oh and how could I forget that this weekend is Thanksgiving. These bad boys could easily be the shining star of your Thanksgiving buffet. Don't dare put these in the chafing dish and allow them to get all soggy. Under the heat lamp is the best spot for these if your placing them on a buffet. 

This Thanksgiving, put some salmon on the menu and pair it with some cranberry sauce.  The sweet and sour flavours of cranberry sauce makes it the perfect topping to help cut through the richness of salmon. 

Until next time...

Stay hungry my friends!!