Chia Crusted Salmon

Chef Philman George Ideas & Inspiration

Yes my friends, I think I can confidently say spring has arrived! I’m sure many of you are in the final stages of refreshing your menu offerings, if you haven’t already done so. This Chia Crusted Salmon is a great way to utilize Canada’s love for salmon while taking advantage of the growing insurgence of chia seeds in the North American diet.

Chia seeds have been staples in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. In this photo I’ve got dark and white chia seeds.  They are a vibrant source of omega 3, fiber, antioxidants and minerals. In terms of taste, they remind me of poppy seeds. Utilizing chia seeds as a crust for Salmon gives the fish a nice crunchy texture, with a slight nutty taste.

I’m working with our 6 oz. Pacific Salmon Loin. To crust the Salmon, simply brush the presentation side of the salmon with honey and dip into the chia seeds. You could also mix dark and white chia seeds together for a variation. If the fish was pre-marinated then the honey would be optional, as the liquid from the marinade would help the seeds adhere to the salmon. There is no need to pan sear, simply roast this beautiful Salmon Loin!

I’ve paired this with a micro sprout salad. Sprouts are also definitely on trend, but they are not cheap. Use a base of baby spinach to help reduce cost. Some asparagus tips, cherry tomatoes and a side of champagne dressing and I think we have the perfect pairing for our Salmon.

The red sauce is simply a roasted red pepper, pureed with some chili, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. This provides a nice flavourful spicy kick to accompany the Salmon. Patio eats indeed!  Recipe can be found here.

Until next time….stay hungry my friends!!