Crispy Skin Trout with Shaved Golden Beet, Heirloom Carrot & Lentil Salad

Chef Philman George Ideas & Inspiration

My blood is 100% tropical, yet I don’t get depressed when the season changes from Summer to Fall. Fall harvest brings out all sorts of colourful, tasty and nutritious vegetables, which are at their peak. Heirloom carrots are a must!!

Hopefully beets are finding their way into your establishments as well. Golden beets sound and taste luxurious. They do take a bit of effort, as they need to be peeled after they are cooked while the skin is still hot. Plus the purple beets stain everything they come in contact with from your hands to cutting boards. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, as diners perk up when they see these seasonal items on a menu.

Here I’ve combined some baby kale with green lentils, shaved golden beets and shaved heirloom carrots. I’ve tossed it with maple lemon & olive oil dressing. 

Did you know that Rainbow Trout ranks second to Salmon as Ontario's most consumed fish? We carry many different sizes of high quality Rainbow Trout.

Utilize every ounce of the fillet! There is a lot of flavour and comfort when the skin is served crispy. Those that know their Trout love this style of preparation and presentation. Here are a few tips for crispy skin Trout:

  1. Remove the scales with a paring knife
  2. Use a cast iron skillet or quality heavy bottom aluminum pan
  3. Coat pan with a thin layer of olive oil and heat slightly past medium
  4. Add a small knob of butter, and once it melts add Trout, skin side down
  5. Place a pan directly on top of the Trout to keep it flat during the first minute of cooking
  6. Takes roughly 3-4 min, there is no need to flip the fish

Drape that lovely crispy skin Trout over the Fall harvest salad. Perfect for lunch or dinner! Play around with the presentation of the ingredients. You may want to slice the beets instead of shaving them. Or maybe shave the beets and honey roast the carrots.

Until next time….Stay seasonal my friends!!