Philanthropy Pledge

Chef Philman George Ideas & Inspiration

A wise woman once said, "It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving." High Liner has always given back to local communities but we felt it was time to focus our efforts. By teaming up with local food banks in Canada and with Feeding America in the U.S., High Liner pledges 10 million meals over the next 10 years!! Our commitment stands on three pillars:

  1. Hunger Mission - Through North American financial support and in-kind support such as food donations.
  2. Volunteerism - Supporting local causes including food bank support.
  3. Corporate Giving - Donations that support the communities in which we operate that are outside our Hunger Mission.

Yours truly is part of the High Liner Philanthropy team! In 2016 each High Liner employee will have the opportunity to devote eight hours of time to the community. That's 550 days annually that High Liner is giving to help employees be more active in the community. In the New Year, I look forward to sharing our progress on achieving 10 million meals over 10 years.

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!